P r o j e c t s




















Beyond the present understanding of spontaneous organization in fluids and plasmas: a field theoretical approach


Project ERC - Like (Bridge) [Nr. 4 / 21 July 2012]



Nonlinear evolution, quasi-coherence and transport in turbulent fluids


Project IDEAS (Exploratory research) [Nr. 573 / 2008]



Equilibrium flows and threshold conditions for accessing high confinement regimes and understanding of the nonlinear dynamics of low frequency symmetric flows


Project EURATOM – BS-2 [2009-2012]



Understanding of the ExB drift nonlinear effects on transport and structure generation in turbulent tokamak plasmas

Project EURATOM – BS-14 [2009-2012]


Procese neliniare fundamentale in dinamica plasmelor confinate magnetic in regim turbulent si in proximitatea starilor relaxate


Proiectul PN 2009-2012 [Objective b]



Turbulence and quasi-coherent structures in fluids and space plasmas


Project CEEX 2006-2008 [Nr. 2-CEX 06-11-47/2006]